I am a HUGE fan of the podcast “Generation Why” with Aaron and Justin. They were the first podcast I had ever listened to in my life and I just fell in love with them (just started this year.) I became accustomed to their style so when I tried two other podcasts (not OUAC) I just didn’t like them. It was more than just the story for me, it was how it was delivered. After deciding I would never listen to another true crime podcast outside of Gen Why, Aaron had mentioned Esther and OUAC. I decided to give her a shot because I had listened to all of Gen Why’s (I work from home so I listen to like 5-8 podcasts a day while working) and I needed more to listen to. When I first put on Esther’s podcast, I HATED IT. I absolutely hated it. Turned it off after 10 mins. I hated her delivery, I hated how she read from a script, I just hated it. After venting to my husband about it, he told me to at least listen to a whole episode before writing her off. Y’all, I am so glad I did. After listening to two entire episodes, I was hanging on her every word. You can tell how much work and research she puts into her episodes. The first two episodes I listened to, I made sure it was stories I was well versed in because I wanted to fact check her. I needed to know she knew her facts because I often share facts from the podcasts with like minded friends. Everything she said was right on the money plus, she taught me some new facts I didn’t know (which I fact checked and she was correct.) Her topics are interesting and I love when she goes off script a bit and makes a side comment. You see a little of her personality shine through. She’s funny and smart. I recommend 1000000000 times over.
People comment about her “monotone” voice but I find it peaceful and not distracting. When I am working, driving, in the shower or falling asleep, I don’t want a lot of loud noises and animation. That’s just my two cents.