I wrote this a while back, but it’s still valid! You’re now talking with someone about an axe murderer; PLEASE STOP bringing people in for “conversations”. It looks like a great topic today but you just said you have a guest and my heart sank. I don’t want to be mean, but nobody wants to hear your chit chat.
I’m gonna listen for another 5 minutes, but I’m already thumbing through “Swindled” bonus episodes I might have missed.
I’m just listening to your interview with ? about Kemper that I think came out over Christmas, and I’ve noticed this before; you have a tendency to talk over your interviewee and it feels awkward and embarrassing. Slow down!! We know you conduct deep research, but let the guest get a word in! You don’t have to prove to him that you read his book by repeating it back to him! I get the conversational format, but take a breath!!! I’m listening as I write this and you’re not giving this dude a chance to speak!!! Just an observation, no offense intended.
Wow, I wrote that last Christmas and didn’t remember to send it, and my complaint is still the same. I’m listening to the episode on the “Red Hot Chili Peppers” and you are using your “conversational” style….which is necessary when you’re interviewing somebody, but without a guest it’s just you “talking” to the audience and it’s awful. Your podcast is a scripted show, and I like it. I like the way you write, and your voice is pleasant, but this feels like you have made a bullet-pointed list and you’re just scanning and “winging” it. I too can talk about a crime for an hour with Wikipedia in my lap; I listen to this because the research is good and you are a great story-teller, but you are not a natural interviewer and you’re not very good at it and considering the usual caliber I have come to expect from this podcast, the disaster you are sharing right now feels stultified, lazy, and I’m about to turn it off; it is painful to listen to. And I have listened to EVERY SINGLE episode, so I think my opinion is valid. Please write a script based on your research, and read it. That’s all you have to do.