In this week’s episode, a young woman, newly engaged and expecting a baby, goes for a morning run in the serene beachfront town of Ceiba, Puerto Rico, and finds herself trapped in a nightmare. Still finding the inner courage to keep her wits...
In this week’s episode, a young woman, newly engaged and expecting a baby, goes for a morning run in the serene beachfront town of Ceiba, Puerto Rico, and finds herself trapped in a nightmare. Still finding the inner courage to keep her wits about her, the terrified woman’s actions would help solve her own murder.
“Kidnap Victim Called Fiancee Before Slaying,”, Feb 7, 2009.
“Murder in Puerto Rico,”, Feb 6, 2009.
“Puerto Rican Indicted in Pregnant Woman’s Slaying,”, Feb 5, 2009.
“Puerto Rican Man Gets 105 Years in Killing of Pregnant San Jose Native,” Associated Press, June 1, 2009.
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