In this episode of Once Upon A Crime, we delve into the horrific story of Christian Longo, a man who portrayed himself to his family, friends, and community as a devoted husband, loving father, and successful businessman while leading a double life....
In this episode of Once Upon A Crime, we delve into the horrific story of Christian Longo, a man who portrayed himself to his family, friends, and community as a devoted husband, loving father, and successful businessman while leading a double life. He lived a life of lies and deception. When he could no longer keep up the facade, he disposed of his old life in favor of a new one…by destroying his entire family.
This is the second installment of the 'Deadly Dads' series, highlighting fathers who became nightmares for their families.
00:00 Introduction
01:32 The Discovery Of Bodies
03:06 Investigations and Christian Longo's Lies
06:09 Family Background and Financial Deception
09:38 A Life of Crime and On The Run
11:58 Final Crimes and Capture
17:05 Trial, Sentencing, and Aftermath
State v. Longo, Filed Nov. 9, 2006, Supreme Court of the State of Oregon
“The Journalist and the Murderer,” Michael Finkel, Vanity Fair Magazine, June 2005.
“Longo Prosecutors Offer Motive,” Andrew Kramer, Associated Press, March 12, 2003
“The Pretender: The Case of Christian Longo”, 48 Hours, CBS News, Original air date May 31, 2005.
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